A social enterprise based in Birmingham is encouraging the people of Birmingham to become more active and lead a healthier lifestyle by joining a walking challenge with daily targets and the opportunity to compete with friends and colleagues at work, enabled by easy to use pedometers and an online progress tracker.
The programme, which allows participants to track their progress online, is currently helping over 800 people across Birmingham get fit. The light competition online has made this chosen programme a fun, rewarding success.
The ‘First Step Challenge’ campaign and website launched by LHM for Health Exchange, sees participants aim for a daily target of 10,000 steps, widely regarded as a good figure for weight loss and general fitness. The campaign has generated a lot of friendly competition, with Health Exchange’s website offering plenty of participant interaction and helpful advice on activity and improving health and wellbeing.
The campaign has also spread to the heart of government, as Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, was handed one of the pedometers during a visit to Birmingham recently.
“We hope more government ministers will follow Nick Clegg’s example, become advocates of a healthier lifestyle and set a good example for the rest of the UK, especially right now when the London Olympics have generated so much interest in physical activity amongst us all” said Sue Turton, Health Exchange’s Operations Director.
The First Step Challenge has really taken hold at Birmingham Children’s Hospital where well over 600 staff members have signed up. Competition there is so strong that, in addition to the First Step Challenge website, different wards and departments have created their own leader-boards to maintain motivation and the competitive edge for staff to get fit.
Jane Powell, Health Advocacy Lead at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, said, “This initiative has literally swept the hospital with staff from our Chief Executive to physiotherapists, clerical staff, cleaners, nurses, doctors and porters all using their pedometers.”
Health Exchange’s services include running 35 volunteer-led health walks around Birmingham. In addition to promoting physical activity, Health Exchange also provides services that help people take control of their health and enable everyone to have the capability and confidence to make simple lifestyle choices to take control of their health and wellbeing.
Go to website: www.firststepchallenge.org.uk
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