LHM has been working on some exciting developments within the area of Sentiment Analysis over the past 12 months.
Sentiment is a fascinating subject and we think a game changer due to the accuracy that can be achieved.
LHM’s tailored business intelligence dashboards combining this service make it simple for our clients to understand what their audience is saying about them on a large scale. When this data is merged with social media, web statistics and ecommerce information, it provides a comprehensive real-time view of any business and best of all can be achieved rapidly.
The data we process for analysis can be batch uploaded, or analysed in real-time from multiple online sources such as Social Media, Publications, Reviews, online chat and even PR. Furthermore, it can notify you as soon as a mention/alert has been triggered that you require. So if it’s a change in the financial market or a safeguarding alert in a healthcare situation, it adds value where a search engine couldn’t.
Those organisations that utilise big data see their revenue grow by a third and their profits increase twelvefold.
All industry sectors in competitive markets such as Manufacturing, Retail, Leisure, Finance and Health require data processed as it happens. This provides a powerful source of information for B2C and B2B brands as they seek to inform better decision-making and exploit it for growth.
Big Data is giving more information than ever before that organisations can measure and analyse from the consumer, competitors, press or from internal CRM systems.
Here’s a great video about the topic: